Coinbase server status.

How to check Coinbase’s server status.

Similar to other exchange platforms, Coinbase occasionally crashes or has server downtime. In such an occurrence how do you check and fix the issue? Lets talk about the Coinbase server status

Due to overwhelming activity in crypto exchange platforms, they are prone to frequent crashes. This is due to users’ activities. And the result of that can be either unresponsive sites, errors, or the site taking long to complete a request.

As a result of Coinbase being among the leading crypto exchange platforms, it’s more prone to such issues.

How do I check if the Coinbase server is down?

To check the status of the server you will have to visit the official Coinbase and Coinbase pro server status pages.

The pages are always updated after an hour with the latest and best technological updates and upgrades.

The pages offer in-depth insights about Coinbase from functionality, payment methods, track of applications, and logs of past incidents.

Despite it having track of all outages, the incident of February 13 has no reference. The incident of its Super Bowl ad was not clearly stated.

In the occurrence that the server is down you can check through the official page or use a thord-party app such as Down Detector or search in Twitter for Coinbase Down to see the latest updates.

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