What is Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is an idea for a new reiteration of the world wide web. It is based on blockchains incorporating concepts including decentralization and token-based economics.

Web 3.0 originates from Web 2.0 which originates from Web 1.0

Web 1.0 was in use from 1980 to early 2000.

Its defining characteristic was that its users were able to view information online. This was possible but they could not customize their experience while doing so.

It generally controlled your browsing experience directing you to information relating to what you searched for.

Being a new concept to the world, it obviously had its demerits e.g. lack of personalization, it was super slow, and impersonal

Web 2.0 came into existence afterward. It brought more functionality and at that point, social media began evolving.

It allowed interaction and was tailored to one’s preferences. User connections and social involvement became the key factors in this version of the internet.

It was more of showing yourself by sending and receiving data and this led to a content change from static to dynamic

With that basic history of the internet let’s round up back to today’s topic

What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 is a form of the web that allows users to remain anonymous while using it. In addition to its anonymity, it allows users to share only the data they want to share.

With that, you’ll be correct to say it’s much faster and it utilizes data analysis. The current internet is becoming smarter as time passes. This is due to the use of quantum computers and AIs

Web 3.0 experience is also set to change, this is due to metaverse. Data types will change from dynamic data to live data due to the augmented realities as a data medium. Meaning in the future data will be produced on the go.

What an amazing era we are heading to

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