Trust wallet to Metamask

How to import Trust wallet to Metamask.

Trust wallet

By reading how to import Trust wallet to Metamask you get more knowledge about blockchain wallets and ways of connecting your two wallets.

How do I connect the wallets?

Firstly you will need to have Metamask wallet as an extension in your browser or as an app. To download Metamask head to its official website.

In order to find the recovery phrase, you will head to settings.

Select the first option “wallets”

Afterwards, navigate to the trust wallet you want to import. In that and tap on the three dots arranged vertically

After clicking on the dots you will see “show secret phrase”.

Then you will be required to authenticate either via password, biometric, or face recognition.

After authenticating trust wallet will present to you three conditions which you will have to agree to them in the checkbox next to them. After agreeing to the conditions you will now see your seed phrase.

Now that I have my seed phrase what next?

Open your MetaMask wallet. You will come across two options: “Import wallet” and “create a wallet

Since you already have a wallet and its seed phrase you will select import wallet and click on ” I agree”

You then will paste your Trust wallet recovery/seed phrase in Metamask

Then set a new password and finally click “Import”

After all the above are done you will have successfully imported your Trust wallet to Metamask.

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