hacksider / Deep-Live-Cam
real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image (uncensored)
See what the GitHub community is most excited about today.
real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image (uncensored)
#1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!
The open-source repo for docs.github.com
A simple, easy to use PowerShell script to remove pre-installed apps from Windows, disable telemetry, remove Bing from Windows search as well as perform various other changes to declutter and improve your Windows experience. This script works for both Windows 10 and Windows 11.
An offensive security toolset for Microsoft 365 focused on Microsoft Copilot, Copilot Studio and Power Platform
This is a Next.js, Tailwind CSS blogging starter template. Comes out of the box configured with the latest technologies to make technical writing a breeze. Easily configurable and customizable. Perfect as a replacement to existing Jekyll and Hugo individual blogs.
Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration
Cocos simplifies game creation and distribution with Cocos Creator, a free, open-source, cross-platform game engine. Empowering millions of developers to create high-performance, engaging 2D/3D games and instant web entertainment.
🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: First AI Software Company, Towards Natural Language Programming
A web browser that plays old world blues to build new world hope
🔥「企业级低代码平台」前后端分离架构SpringBoot 2.x/3.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue3,Mybatis,Shiro,JWT。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领新的开发模式OnlineCoding->代码生成->手工MERGE,帮助Java项目解决70%重复工作,让开发更关注业务,既能快速提高效率,帮助公司节省成本,同时又不失灵活性。