Despite COVID-19, we’ve kept busy at Pagecloud and thought we might brighten up your day with a roll-up of Pagecloud updates that have come your way over the last year. Some of which you may have noticed and others you may have missed.
- A modern way to build
- Editing improvements
- Easier to be found online
- Enhanced site management
- New channels of customer support
- Affiliate marketing
- And more coming soon
A modern way to build
The most significant update from 2020 is the ability to build responsive Sections and content in Pagecloud using the same drag-and-drop ease you’ve come to expect. Create designs and content that resize and reflow across different screen sizes making mobile updates a breeze.
These new features are incredibly powerful but require a bit of knowledge to master. Learn all about it, Speed, structure, and design flexibility: Meet the new Pagecloud.

Expanded our Section library to include responsive sections
Full width Sections that span the full width of your visitor’s browser.
Full height Sections that span the full height of your visitor’s browser, great for impactful hero sections.
Manual and Auto columns. Sections now have columns, up to 3, that automatically stack in mobile. These Columns can support either a manual or auto layout. Get to know Columns
- Auto layout, a structured layout where the contents are organized according to alignment controls and padding. Easy to use, responsive and makes mobile reflow easy. Great for most layouts and content that you want to resize across different screen sizes.
- Manual layout, full design freedom. Content can be overlaid, overlapped, stacked, and placed however you see fit. Great for complex layouts but does require extra work in mobile mode.
Padding can be added to Sections and Columns allowing you to create space between your content and the edge of the Section or Column.
Auto groups, like auto Columns, apply a structured layout to the contents of the group. Content is organized horizontally or vertically within the group in a way that allows it to act responsively. We’re quite excited about auto groups, updates to add backgrounds and padding to these groups are just around the corner! Learn about Auto groups
Editing improvements
We’re constantly improving the editor based on your feedback. Here are some highlights from the last year:

Text editing. You edit text a lot! So we overhauled text editing to address issues and improve your workflow. Read all about it, Feature Update Alert! Text Editing
Handy Presets. We've added some presets to help you quickly apply consistent settings. Look for these on section and column padding, color tinting and shadows. Want more? let us know.
Gradients. You can now apply gradients to section and column backgrounds, shapes and buttons. Learn more about gradients
New position options for Headers. Position your header the way you want, you can choose from the following options with more to come. Learn more about headers
- Normal - Positioned at the top of the page.
- Sticky - Remains visible at the top of page while scrolling
- Fixed - Overlays the Section below it and remains visible at the top of the page while scrolling.
Padding can be added to Sections and Columns allowing you to create space between your content and the edge of the Section or Column.
- Full width - The background image is expanded to fill the available width.
- Shrink to fit - The background image is constrained to available height making the full image visible.
- Image size - The background image is displayed at its actual size. You can further adjust the scale of the image or repeat the image on the X and/or Y axis for a tiled effect.
Easier to be found online
The following updates further improve your ability to be found online.
Set the language for your pages
Optimized images. Upload your images without worrying about optimizing them. We now serve your images where supported in WEBP format.
Titles and descriptions can be applied to SVG images
Pages have been optimized to load faster
Learn about seo optimization in Pagecloud
Manage your site
Updated account management. Better management of your subscription(s) including the ability to view your billing history. Check it out
You can now rename your Pagecloud domain
Share draft page or website. Working on a site or page and want to get some feedback before publishing? You can now share a draft page or website. Learn more about sharing
Transfer a website. If you build sites for others or need to transfer the ownership of a Pagecloud site you can now do that yourself within the app. Here is how you do it
New channels of customer support
Knowledge base updates. New and improved support documents on Pagecloud Answers.
In app help and tips. We’ve been incorporating tips, help and links to knowledge base documents in the editor and dashboard. Hope you have been finding these helpful, more to come!
Pagecloud User Group (Pug). During the beta for Smart layouts we launched a User Group on Slack, we are happy to open this up to all Pagecloud customers. This community is a safe place where you can share what you’re working on, help others, get product tips, updates, and provide Pagecloud with real time feedback and requests. Join the user group today
Need some help designing or building your website. We launched a Pro directory, this is a great place to find a Pagecloud expert that can help you build, design, optimize, launch and manage your website. Browse the directory and find a pro!
Affiliate marketing
Love Pagecloud and looking to earn some extra money? Consider joining our new affiliate program and earn while promoting Pagecloud. Find out more and apply
Coming soon!
We have some exciting updates in store for you in 2021. Here are a couple that are just around the corner.
Improved object show and hide within Manual and Auto sections
Backgrounds for Auto groups
Site-wide colors, entering beta testing soon! Site-wide colors are a new type of color that you can create and reuse. Apply these colors to objects, backgrounds, image tints etc. across all your pages. When a site-wide saved color is changed, that update is automatically applied, everywhere. What a time saver!
Excited about these updates but haven't tried Pagecloud yet, sign up for our free 14 day trial, no credit card required. Sign up