On how he sees a blank canvas:
A blank canvas can scare any person, creative or non-creative. But to me, a blank canvas symbolizes a new start, new opportunities and (most importantly) a way to show the world who you are. Just like life, we all start with a clean slate and every step we take makes a new stroke on the canvas.
So accept the fear of mistakes, accept the failure and remember to accept these things because this is what makes you have a unique story to tell and voice to share to the world. This all starts with a blank canvas.

On his process:
I have two ways of approaching a blank canvas.
1) I have a story or a meaning that I would like to tell my audiences. So everything from the colour to the subject is premeditated when approaching the blank canvas.
2) I approach the blank canvas in a unconscious free flowing way and have nothing specific pre-planned. I just flow with whatever medium I decided to place on the canvas. In the end, the audience is in charge of interpreting what they see or feel towards the art.

There are so many ways to approach your starting point. If you're a business owner creating or redesigning your website, you'll likely take the approach of having an objective and overall plan in place, as opposed to creating as you go. But whether it's visual art or a website layout, it's important to find the approach that works for you.
Every creator starts from somewhere. It could be painting, writing, graphic or interior design, but everyone starts from a clean slate. You can either let the blank canvas scare you, or use it as your inspiration to create something beautiful. We all have our own way of dealing with a blank canvas, this is just one artist's story. It's important for you to find yours.
Never let it hinder your creativity. If every artist let the blank canvas control them, we wouldn't see artwork like this.
I have to take a moment and thank Collin for sharing his thoughts and giving us an inside look at his creative process. He is an incredibly talented artist, and I highly recommend checking him out on Twitter, Periscope, Instagram and YouTube.
Stay tuned next week for more tips on conquering the blank canvas.